2025-02-27 Progress Reports Distributed (as needed, 1st through 8th grade) Progress Reports Distributed (as needed, 1st through 8th grade) February 27 Progress Reports Distributed (as needed, 1st through 8th grade)
2025-03-10 In House Registration for 2025-2026 In House Registration for 2025-2026 March 10 In House Registration for 2025-2026
2025-03-17 Open Registration for 2025-2026 Open Registration for 2025-2026 March 17 Open Registration for 2025-2026
2025-03-28 End of Third Grading Period (School Open) (42 days) End of Third Grading Period (School Open) (42 days) March 28 End of Third Grading Period (School Open) (42 days)
2025-03-31 Fourth Grading Period Begins Fourth Grading Period Begins March 31 Fourth Grading Period Begins