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Ashely Zamora
4th Grade Teacher

Sydney Marshall
4th Grade Teacher's Aide
Ashley Zamora
Fourth Grade Teacher
4th Grade Teacher's Aide: Sydney Marshall
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 215, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app
Fourth Grade Expectations
Independence in learning and developing organizational skills is a big part of grade four and as in every grade, the behavior expectations are the same and as the student matures, behaviors should become instinctive.
Both math and language follow the Abeka curriculum. In math, the lessons include both computation and problem solving exercises. It is extremely important that the students know their math facts by this grade. Almost all of what we do relies on this. From addition and subtraction to fractions and geometry, the students rely on their fact-based knowledge. Timed tests are given regularly to encourage speed. As with math, the Language program builds on concepts introduced in earlier years with each concept requiring more knowledge. Fourth grade builds on the eight parts of speech and introduces diagramming sentences.
Our reading textbook includes not only comprehension of the stories but also skills and vocabulary. Vocabulary and comprehension tests are given weekly. We also include several novel studies done independently and as a class. Spelling is a phonics based program and goes along with the week’s reading vocabulary. The students practice the spelling skills daily culminating with a test with dictation sentences at the end of the week.
In history, we begin our study of Virginia’s geography and regions of our state. We learn about our state’s earliest beginnings up to the Civil War. Enrichment projects are given throughout the year in history.
Our science program includes plants and animals, as well as weather and energy. We alternate between history and science in order to spend more quality time on each subject. Enrichment projects are given in this area as well. One example has the students growing their own plant from the dormant stage to the flowering stage.
Homework is assigned nightly Monday through Thursday. It is the students’ responsibility is to copy in their agendas the nightly assignments. Occasionally there may be an over the weekend assignment, but this usually only occurs if the student is working on a project.
In fourth grade the curriculum is as strong as in other grades and builds on those skills introduced and mastered in the lower grades.