Christina Henderson
Computer Teacher (1st-8th)

Julie Allen
Computer Teacher (Kindergarten)
First and Second Grade
First and second graders spend 40 minutes in computer class once per week. Throughout the year, students will use instructional technology to supplement their reading and math curriculums. They will begin the year learning about the basic parts and functions of a computer, followed by an introduction to word processing and presentation programs. Students will also learn age-appropriate internet safety practices as they begin learning about online research skills.
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade
Third, fourth, and fifth graders spend one hour in computer class once per week. Students begin each class by developing their keyboard skills. They will learn additional skills within Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and even learn to create spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. As their skills improve, students will learn how to create computer-based projects. Finally, students will learn how to communicate safely online as well as other safe internet practices.
Middle School
Middle school students spend one hour in computer class once per week. Students will build upon their prior knowledge of Microsoft Office programs by learning how to use Microsoft Office 365 Web with their school-issued Chromebooks. They will apply their skills to advanced activities such as building a website, designing an avatar, and creating a comic. Students will also be introduced to coding through Scratch, which will help develop important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas. Finally, students will apply their coding and problem-solving skills to design, build, and programs using LEGO Robotics.