Marcie Earhart
7th Grade Home Base & Social Studies Teacher
Contact me:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 210, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app

Math Course 2/Math 7.0
Teacher: Mrs. Julie Allen
Remind Class Code: @math70c2
Welcome to Seventh Grade!
We are an active and dynamic group. Students will have more challenging classes and responsibilities this year. Our mornings begin with the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and devotional time. Middle school Chapel is every Thursday. Seventh grade core classes consist of Language Arts, Civics, Life Science, and a math class. Math classes include Course Two, Pre-Algebra, or Algebra One. As an elective choice, students can pick Spanish 1A or Novel Study. Other electives that our students enjoy include Bible Study, Digital Citizenship, Geography, Personal Finance, Hand Bells, Physical Conditioning, Health, Science and Art enrichment classes. Elective classes rotate each quarter, so our students are always being motivated. Resource classes for seventh grade are Library, Computers, Music, and Art. Study skills and organizational strategies are emphasized as students progress through the academic year. Engaging guest speakers, going on enriching field trips, and participating in various group and individual activities add to the vigorous seventh grade year. Seventh graders can participate in after school clubs and student activities, service projects, and leadership roles. This is an exciting and productive year for our students.