Announcements & Events
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Amy Watterton
Third Grade Teacher

Sydney Marshall
3rd Grade Teacher's Aide
Amy Watterton
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade Teacher's Aide: Lisa Johnson
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 217, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app - OR text the message @watterton3 to the number 81010
Third Grade Library
Third, Fourth and Fifth grades library day is Wednesday. The students are learning to use the Dewey Decimal system to locate non-fiction books, to locate fiction books by the author's last name and to use the online card catalog available on the library computers. They are learning about the Newbery Award books and Newbery Honor books and are encouraged to read these books.
Third Grade Computers
Third graders spend one hour in computers once a week. In third grade, students begin each class with fifteen minutes in our "Type to Learn" keyboarding program. They have just finished their first research paper about winter activities. The next paper will be on Black History Month.
Third Grade Music
The music classes started this year with looking at different Operas. This was such a great way to introduce new styles of music to children. At the end of the session, each class took a well known children's story and turned it into an Opera.
During their 40 minute class, they learn new songs for our weekly chapel. All of the classes have begun working on their Christmas program. Each class has such a wonderful group of talented children. I look forward to spending this year teaching and learning about your children.
Third Grade Art
Students are expected to remember daily art room protocol for warm up, set-up, lesson introduction, studio work, cleanup and critique. They are responsible for proper care of art supplies and tools. Developmentally appropriate drawing skills and studio methods are presented for continued artistic growth and confidence in self-expression. There are more opportunities for sculptural projects with a variety of art media. Students are introduced to global art from other cultures and periods of history, as well as influential artists relevant to what they are studying in Social Science.
Students are introduced to the elements and principles of art as tools for better composition planning not as stand-alone lessons without context. Color theory is also taught as a means for building skills for color manipulation and communication of ideas and feelings.
Third Grade Science
All students in Grades 1-5 meet for Science Lab with Mrs. Vogt every other week throughout the school year. The students will go to the Science Lab, which is located in Building C (Middle School Building ~ Willow Oaks Campus).
Third Grade Physical Education
The third grade physical education curriculum focuses on improving student motor skills through a variety of games and activities including the use of scooters, parachutes, jump ropes, and other equipment. Additionally, students participate in our running program each class and are given the opportunity to work on cardiovascular endurance through running laps on campus.