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Lisa Maguire
2nd Grade Teacher
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 216, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app

Vickie Wiggins
2nd Grade Teacher
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 222, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app

Lauren Riddick
2nd Grade Teacher's Aide
Second Grade Information:
Second Grade is a year where students learn to work independently and become responsible students. We foster that responsibility by giving nightly homework Monday through Thursday where they will work on reading and math skills that we are learning in class. Organization is also a huge part of becoming a responsible student. Students will learn to keep track of their supplies, keep their desk neat, and learn that everything has its own place in their room/desk.
For reading and spelling, we use the McGraw-Hill Wonders Series. Students have weekly stories, reading skills and spelling words they will learn through this series. We learn about root words, context clues, synonyms, antonyms and everything in between. Our curriculum will also cover reading skills such as main idea and details, sequencing, point of view, and characters/settings/events. Each week, students have a spelling list that includes words that contain the phonics sounds for the week and vocabulary words. For example, our first list begins with short a/i words and we continue on each week from there. Students have a weekly spelling test on these words, as well as a dictation test where they use these new words in text. We will be writing in complete sentences and doing MANY book reports.
Second Grade is the introduction of grammar. We use the McGraw-Hill Wonder Series. Students will learn about types of sentences, subjects/predicates, fragments, nouns (common, proper, plural, possessive, collective, plural possessive), verbs (action, linking, helping), tense (past, present, and future), adjectives, adverbs, and much more!
For math, we use the Abeka Traditional Arithmetic Series. We start with review skills from First Grade and then move quickly into Second Grade skills. Students will build upon what they learned and memorized from First Grade with addition and subtraction facts up to answers equaling 18. They learn many different skills including: time, money, measurement (linear, liquid and weight), graphs, word problems, place value, Roman Numerals, carrying/borrowing, and more! We cover multiple skills every day so the students get the repetition they need to learn these new skills. They are tested on their math skills once a week to see how they are doing and determine if they need more practice with particular skills.
This is the first year students will take tests in science and social studies. We cover many topics like different types of communities, Native Americans, settlers, pioneers, motion, magnets, weather, and the solar system, just to name a few. After each unit students will take a test to see how well they understood the material.
Many of our field trips are based around subject areas we have covered in science and social studies.
We also work in fun crafts and experiments when possible. Students also have weekly resource classes that they attend to break up their day. We have Computers, Music, Art, Chapel, Library, Spanish, Lessons of the Bible and PE every week. To learn more about these resource classes, you may visit the resource pages found on our website. Students also attend a Science Lab class every other week where they learn about different topics and can gain a hands-on experience in the lab.
Second grade is students' last year in lower elementary. We work hard to build students’ independence and help them learn all the skills needed to be successful in school.