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First Grade Spelling List

Spelling Word Lists:

Below, you can find the weekly spelling word lists.

Smart Start: Test 9/23

  1. my
  2. the
  3. we
  4. she
  5. me
  6. he
  7. and
  8. like

Smart Start Dictation Sentence:  Test 9/23

  1. I like the cat.


Week 1

  1. man
  2. can
  3. nap
  4. tap
  5. cat
  6. hat
  7. not
  8. does
  9. school
  10. what


Week 1- Dictation Sentences

  1. The man had a nap.
  2. The cat does not go to school.


Week 2

  1. pin
  2. win
  3. hit
  4. sit
  5. miss
  6. kiss
  7. out
  8. up
  9. down
  10. very


Week 2 Dictation Sentences

  1. I will not sit down.
  2. That pin is very big.


Week 3

  1. clip
  2. flip
  3. slip
  4. flag
  5. black
  6. plan
  7. be
  8. pull
  9. come
  10. good


Week 3 Dictation Sentences

  1. The black cat did a flip.
  2. We will come to the flag.


Week 4

  1. hop
  2. top
  3. log
  4. hog
  5. hot
  6. lot
  7. they
  8. too
  9. fun
  10. make


Week 4 Dictation Sentences

  1. Is the hog hot too?
  2. They will hop at the lot.


Week 5

  1. spill
  2. spin
  3. grab
  4. grass
  5. drop
  6. drip
  7. jump
  8. move
  9. run
  10. two


Week 5 Dictation Sentences

  1. I did not spill my cup.
  2. Will we jump on the grass?


Week 6

  1. leg
  2. beg
  3. men
  4. hen
  5. head
  6. bread
  7. there
  8. again
  9. new
  10. use


Week 6 Dictation- Test 10/22

  1. Can I pet the head of the hen?
  2. The men will use the new van.


Week 7

  1. run
  2. fun
  3. nut
  4. cut
  5. bug
  6. rug
  7. could
  8. one
  9. then
  10. three


Week 7 Dictation Sentences

  1. The three men had fun.
  2. Could I get one rug?


Week 8

  1. lend
  2. send
  3. last
  4. past
  5. sink
  6. wink
  7. of
  8. who
  9. under
  10. eat


Week 8 Dictation Sentences

  1. I will eat my bread fast.
  2. The cat went under the sink.


Week 9

  1. fish
  2. shop
  3. ship
  4. with
  5. thing
  6. sang
  7. bath
  8. want
  9. call
  10. day
  11. all
  12. her


Week 10

  1. whip
  2. whale
  3. catch
  4. match
  5. chin
  6. champ
  7. graph
  8. place
  9. many
  10. around
  11. by
  12. walk


Week 11

  1. make
  2. take
  3. came
  4. game
  5. gate
  6. late
  7. away
  8. now
  9. way
  10. some
  11. today
  12. why


Week 12

  1. like
  2. spike
  3. ride
  4. hide
  5. line
  6. mine
  7. grow
  8. green
  9. together
  10. water
  11. should
  12. pretty


Week 13

  1. rice
  2. nice
  3. page
  4. age
  5. wedge
  6. ledge
  7. upon
  8. so
  9. any
  10. from
  11. once
  12. happy


Week 14

  1. hope
  2. nose
  3. note
  4. rope
  5. cube
  6. cute
  7. boy
  8. girl
  9. old
  10. ago
  11. people
  12. how


Week 15

  1. book
  2. look
  3. cook
  4. took
  5. hood
  6. wood
  7. buy
  8. done
  9. after
  10. every
  11. soon
  12. work


Week 16

  1. mail
  2. chain
  3. play
  4. rain
  5. way
  6. day
  7. give
  8. eight
  9. about
  10. our
  11. carry
  12. animal


Week 17

  1. me
  2. we
  3. she
  4. feed
  5. read
  6. seat
  7. keep
  8. beep
  9. beak
  10. because
  11. blue
  12. into
  13. or
  14. other
  15. small


Week 18

  1. low
  2. row
  3. flow
  4. so
  5. no
  6. float
  7. boat
  8. oat
  9. toe
  10. find
  11. food
  12. over
  13. more
  14. start
  15. warm


Week 19

  1. find
  2. night
  3. by
  4. kind
  5. right
  6. pie
  7. sky
  8. flight
  9. tie
  10. laugh
  11. flew
  12. caught
  13. listen
  14. were
  15. know


Week 20

  1. key
  2. bumpy
  3. alley
  4. money
  5. puppy
  6. funny
  7. penny
  8. sandy
  9. wash
  10. woman
  11. found
  12. would
  13. near
  14. hard
  15. write


Week 21

  1. cart
  2. barn
  3. arm
  4. art
  5. yarn
  6. harm
  7. part
  8. sharp
  9. carpet
  10. round
  11. put
  12. large
  13. none
  14. only
  15. four


Week 22

  1. her
  2. bird
  3. fur
  4. fern
  5. dirt
  6. work
  7. third
  8. turn
  9. germ
  10. full
  11. another
  12. climb
  13. through
  14. great
  15. poor


Week 23

  1. born
  2. corn
  3. core
  4. more
  5. roar
  6. soar
  7. horn
  8. store
  9. thorn
  10. sport
  11. began
  12. learn
  13. sure
  14. guess
  15. better


Week 24

  1. cow
  2. town
  3. mouse
  4. how
  5. out
  6. mouth
  7. loud
  8. hour
  9. brown
  10. instead
  11. thought
  12. nothing
  13. early
  14. color
  15. oh


Week 25

  1. spoil
  2. coin
  3. join
  4. joy
  5. toy
  6. boy
  7. point
  8. noisy
  9. enjoy
  10. boil
  11. toward
  12. build
  13. fall
  14. knew
  15. above


Week 26

  1. moon
  2. tune
  3. flew
  4. blue
  5. fruit
  6. soup
  7. boot
  8. grew
  9. cruise
  10. clue
  11. pew
  12. true
  13. room
  14. spoon
  15. eyes
  16. busy
  17. door
  18. enough
  19. brought
  20. answer


Week 27

  1. haul
  2. cause
  3. saw
  4. claw
  5. paw
  6. dawn
  7. launch
  8. straw
  9. hawk
  10. draw
  11. vault
  12. wall
  13. ball
  14. tall
  15. love




  1. father
  2. brother


Week 28

  1. gnat
  2. gnu
  3. know
  4. knife
  5. write
  6. wrong
  7. wrap
  8. knot
  9. gnaw
  10. knight
  11. wreck
  12. wrist
  13. knee
  14. sign
  15. year
  16. month
  17. their
  18. been
  19. question
  20. children


Week 29

  1. strike
  2. spray
  3. splash
  4. split
  5. scrape
  6. three
  7. throw
  8. thrill
  9. scrub
  10. strap
  11. strut
  12. throne
  13. spring
  14. street
  15. tomorrow
  16. front
  17. heard
  18. your
  19. before
  20. push


Week 30

  1. fair
  2. pair
  3. bear
  4. wear
  5. spare
  6. share
  7. chair
  8. tear (like tear a piece of paper)
  9. rare
  10. glare
  11. stair
  12. square
  13. care
  14. hair
  15. young
  16. few
  17. surprise
  18. favorite
  19. wonder
  20. gone