Julie Allen
Elementary School Librarian
Contact Me:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 206, please leave a message on voice mail

Donna Collins
Kindergarten Librarian
Announcements & Events
There are no announcements or events at this time.
Kindergarten library is Monday. Kindergarteners are exploring the easy fiction and non-fiction shelves in the library. They are allowed to check out one book per week, and earn a small sweet treat each week they remember to return the book on their library day. They are learning to select a "just right" book.
First Grade
First grade library day is Thursday. First graders are exploring the easy fiction and non-fiction shelves in the library. They are allowed to check out one book per week, and earn a sticker each week that they remember to return the book on their library day. They are discovering easy chapter books and learning to select a "just right book."
Second Grade
Second grade library day is Tuesday. Second graders are learning to select a book at their reading level for monthly book reports. They are also exploring the nonfiction shelves and learning to find books on a subject that interests them. Students are allowed to check out one book per week and may have a total of two books checked out at one time.
Third through Fifth Grade
Third grade has library each Thursday. Fourth and Fifth grades come to library on Wednesday. The students are learning to use the Dewey Decimal system to locate non-fiction books, to locate fiction books by the author's last name and to use the online card catalog available on the library computers. They are learning about the Newbery Award books and Newbery Honor books and are encouraged to read these books.