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Diane Wallace
5th Grade Teacher

Sydney Marshall
5th Grade Teacher's Aide
Diane Wallace
5th Grade Teacher
5th Grade Teacher's Aide: Sydney Marshall
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 223, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app
Fifth Grade Information
It is a pleasure to share a brief overview of all areas of the Grade 5 Gloria Dei Lutheran School curriculum. Our comprehensive program is based on the Abeka curriculum and provides instruction on the essential literacy and mathematics skills and understandings necessary for success on both district and state assessments. The Gloria Dei curriculum also includes integration of visual and performing arts, science, social studies, physical education, Spanish, computer technology and library media services.
This curriculum comes alive as I am committed to ensuring that our students reach their highest potential. I am dedicated to accommodating children’s diverse needs, the way they learn, their experiences and interests, and to facilitating continuous educational growth. If you should have any questions about your child’s curriculum, please contact me at my school email address. You can also go to my resource pages at the top of this page to find a pdf with more detailed information about the curriculum for fifth grade.
No single document can fully explain the rich and complex nature of the Grade 5 curriculum and instructional goals. I know that learning is optimized in a partnership with families, students, and administration. Working together, we can use your experiences as a family and our work in the classroom to create a respectful climate of academic success and joy for lifelong learning.
Diane Wallace