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Second Grade- Mrs. Maguire and Mrs. Perry


  • Become independent workers and thinkers
  • Become responsible students


  • Pass in homework
  • Copy homework note
  • Seatwork
  • Lunch count
  • Pledge


  • Homework is given Monday-Thursday.  It is expected for students to study spelling, reading vocab. definitions, and for any upcoming tests over the weekend.
  • Homework is expected to be returned the next school day or students will owe 5 minutes of recess.
  • Students need to read for at least 15 minutes each night.


  • Folder System-every paper has a home
  • Desk System-hard side/soft side.  Textbooks on one side, soft books on the other.  Supplies down the center.
  • Graded Work-will be sent home every Friday in the Graded Work Folder.  Folders need to be returned Monday, signed by a parent, and work taken out.  If there is work to be finished or fixed it needs to be done over the weekend and sent back on Monday.



  • Students will be learning parts of speech and how to appropriately use them in writing.
  • All language/grammar papers are kept by me until closer to test time.
  • A Language folder will be sent home with all grammar work done in class for the unit.  This is for studying purposes.


  • Every Thursday, students take spelling list tests, unless otherwise noted.
  • Every Friday, students take Spelling Dictation tests.
  • All tests are taken in the spelling test/dictation notebook. Once corrected, notebooks will go home for you to see the grades.  Please return the next day.
  • Every Friday, students copy the next week’s spelling words in their agendas.  Students should begin studying over the weekend.


  • Every Friday, students copy down their vocabulary words and definitions in their Reading Vocab. Notebook. These notebooks should be kept at home until the following Friday.  Students should begin studying these definitions over the weekend.
  • Vocabulary tests will be given on Thurdays.
  • Reading tests are given on Friday.
  • Monthly Book Reports will be assigned.  We will trade off monthly between form book reports and AR computer quizzes.
  • AR (accelerated reader)- Students have taken the computer quiz to get their AR level and goal points.  Students need to be reading books in their level.  Levels and goals can be found on the inside of the agenda.  Students should work toward reaching their goal each quarter. If a goal is reached, students will receive a treat from the Library.  They will also receive prizes in class as they reach points in increments of 5’s.  Starting the 2nd quarter, students will receive a grade for AR.  The grade will be the percentage of the goal they reached for that quarter (100% being the highest).  Please know this is only 5% of their overall reading grade.

Use words from the question back in your answer!!!!!!!  If words are not used from the question back in the answer I will mark it with a c.s. This identifies the sentence is not complete and will need to be fixed at recess.

  • Example

What is your favorite kind of candy?

My favorite kind of candy is Heath.


  • In social studies, students will be learning about communities, communities of long ago, Washington, D.C.
  • In science, students will be learning about magnets/forces/energy, earth/seasons/weather, how living things change and grow, plants/animals, matter, heat/light/sound, and Earth/Space.
  • All papers are kept until closer to test time.


  • Big emphasis this year is for students to learn/memorize their addition and subtraction facts to 18.
  • Mad Math Minute-50 math problems in 5 minutes-graded (addition on Tuesday and subtraction on Thursday).  Each quarter the time will drop by one minute.
  • Math Blast- Timed math that is similar in length to speed drills. It is always one minute until students have passed all 30 levels.  After this, students will begin at level one for 30 seconds (many students do not get this far).  Prizes are awarded every 5 levels passed at 100%.  When level 30 is passed the prize is Dairy Queen!!!!
  • Ways to practice:
  • Flash cards
  • Drills
  • Math games

Some other reminders/information for you!

  • Birthdays- All students will receive a birthday blessing during Chapel.  A sweet treat can be sent in to be shared with the class.  Please no drinks or treat bags.  Also, treats needs to be easy to distribute.
  • Book Clubs- I try to send book club forms home monthly.  It is helpful if books are purchased online so no money/checks are exchanged.
  • Morning Snack- needs to be a healthy snack-if a student has a snack or lunch item that needs a spoon/forkplease make sure it is in the lunchbox.
  • Special Events-
  • Field Trips- as permitted with Covid
  • Parties- parent helpers needed -will follow Covid guidelines
  • Incentives

*  Homework Passes

*  Treat Box

*  Candy Jar


I use both of these sources for parents to find information.  The Remind app will be used for communication between teacher and parent.  Please always feel free if you have a question, concern, or comment to reach out to me on Remind.