Preschool Announcements & Events
There are no announcements or events at this time.

Janet Cole
Preschool Teacher
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 128, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app

Kathy Dermanis
Preschool Teacher
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 125, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app

Cheryl Smith
Preschool Teacher
Contact me at:
Phone: (757) 851 - 6292 ext. 127, please leave a message on voice mail
App: "Remind" Parent/Teacher communication app
Resource Pages
Classes are offered 5 days a week (Monday through Friday) and childcare is available before and after the preschool program.
Our preschool program emphasizes:
- Socialization Skills
- Having Fun While Learning
- A Positive First Experience at School
- Arts & Crafts, Music, Library and Physical Education
- A Beka Language Development Program using Alphabet Friends
- Chapel, Field Trips and a Fully-Equipped Playground
- Students are Provided a Snack During the School Day
Students must be three years of age by November 30 of the current school year to be eligible for the program. Preschool students need to be fully potty trained in order to be enrolled in our program. Classes are offered five days a week (Monday through Friday). Child care is available before and after the preschool program.
Our preschool program emphasizes socialization skills, having fun while learning, a positive first experience at school, weekly themes, arts & crafts, music, library, physical education, A Beka Language Development, A Beka Alphabet Friends, A Beka Numbers and Skills with Button Bear, chapel, and a fully equipped playground. Students are provided a snack during the school day.
Children may enter their classrooms at 8:15 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8:45 and our preschool day begins. The school day ends at 12:00 noon. Lunch is then served for those enrolled in our child care program.